DNS Lookups & Performance Monitoring DKIM DNS Wizard

DKIM DNS Wizard assists you in creating DNS records for your DKIM Mail Signature.
It is based on the specifications of RFC 4871.

Enter a domain name like dnswatch.info

To support multiple concurrent public keys per signing domain, the key namespace is subdivided using "selectors". For example, selectors might indicate the names of office locations (e.g., "sanfrancisco", "coolumbeach", and "reykjavik"), the signing date (e.g., "january2005", "february2005", etc.), or even the individual user.

Selectors are needed to support some important use cases. For example:
Domains that want to delegate signing capability for a specific address for a given duration to a partner, such as an advertising provider or other outsourced function.
Domains that want to allow frequent travelers to send messages locally without the need to connect with a particular MSA.
"Affinity" domains (e.g., college alumni associations) that provide forwarding of incoming mail, but that do not operate a mail submission agent for outgoing mail.

Periods are allowed in selectors and are component separators. When keys are retrieved from the DNS, periods in selectors define DNS label boundaries in a manner similar to the conventional use in domain names. Selector components might be used to combine dates with locations, for example, "march2005.reykjavik". In a DNS implementation, this can be used to allow delegation of a portion of the selector namespace.

This value MUST match the Local-part of the "i=" tag of the DKIM-Signature header field (or its default value of the empty string if "i=" is not specified), with a single, optional "*" character matching a sequence of zero or more arbitrary characters ("wildcarding"). An email with a signing address that does not match the value of this tag constitutes a failed verification. The intent of this tag is to constrain which signing address can legitimately use this selector, for example, when delegating a key to a third party that should only be used for special purposes. Wildcarding allows matching for addresses such as "user+*" or "*-offer". An empty granularity value never matches any addresses.

Notes that might be of interest to a human, e.g. a URL like http://www.dnswatch.info. No interpretation is made by any program. This tag should be used sparingly due to space limitations in DNS. This is intended for use by administrators, not end users.

Base64 encoded public-key data.
Public keys can be generated with openssl for instance:

To create a private key:
openssl genrsa -out private.key 1024

To create a public key using the private key:
openssl rsa -in private.key -pubout -out public.key

Verifiers MUST NOT treat messages from signers in testing mode differently from unsigned email, even should the signature fail to verify. Verifiers MAY wish to track testing mode results to assist the signer.

If subdomains are not allowed, the following applies:
Any DKIM-Signature header fields using the "i=" tag MUST have the same domain value on the right-hand side of the "@" in the "i=" tag and the value of the "d=" tag. That is, the "i=" domain MUST NOT be a subdomain of "d=". Prohibiting subdomaining is RECOMMENDED unless subdomaining is required.

Your domainname ?
Selector ?
Granularity Allow ANY localpart in the signing address
Only allow a specific local part in the signing address
Allowed Hash Algorithms All SHA1 SHA256
Supported Keytypes
Notes ?
Public Key Set Public Key Revoke Public Key ?
Service Types All Email
Testing This domain is NOT testing DKIM
This domain is testing DKIM ?
Subdomains Subdomains are NOT allowed in i-Tag in DKIM Signature ?
Subdomains are allowed in i-Tag in DKIM Signature

Your DNS Record